- Dr. Andrew Nelson, Assistant Professor, South Asian and Urban Anthropology
- Dr. Masood Ashraf Raja, Associate Professor, Postcolonial Studies, Globalization Theory, and the Study of Islamic Cultures and Politics
- Dr. Pinliang Dong, China Field School
- Dr. Harold M. Tanner, Chinese and Japanese history
- Dr. Kate Imy, History of British Imperialism in South and Souotheast Asia
- Dr. Shobhana Chelliah, English in India/documenting endangered languages
- Dr. Sadaf Munshi, Endangered languages of India and Pakistan
College of Music, Division of Theory, History, and Ethnomusicology
- Dr. Vivek Virani, Asian music with an emphasis on Indian music
Department of Political Science
- Dr. Ko Maeda, Associate Professor, Comparative Japanese Politics
- Dr. T. David Mason, Chinese Politics
College of Visual Arts and Design
- Dr. Lisa N. Owen, South Asian Art History
Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Dr. Kaori Furuya, Assistant Professor of Japanese
- Ms. Angela Harris, Lecturer, Japanese
- Ms. Miwako Ichikawa, Lecturer Japanese
- Ms. Yayoi Takeuchi, Lecturer, Japanese