International Symposium
University of North Texas
Denton, Texas, USA
April 16-17, 2010
Reconciling Portraits of Pre-Hispanic Mexico: Texcoco and Current Aztec Studies

Texcoco, second city of the Aztec Triple Alliance and home of the famous poet-king Nezahualcoyotl, has attracted considerable diversity in opinion among researchers investigating its cultural, social and political history and its relationship to the more powerful city of Tenochtitlan. By inviting leading scholars from Germany, France, Mexico, Spain, and the US, the symposium intends to begin a process of comparing, discussing and integrating these distinctive views while also identifying those specific areas available for further research that will prove most productive in forwarding our understanding of this legendary city and its storied rulers.
For more information, contact Dr. Jongsoo Lee (
Conference Schedule

All attendees, except presenters, must register for the symposium.
Registration Fee:
UNT Students/ Faculty
Non-UNT Students/ Faculty
$100.00 (Lunch included on Friday and Saturday)
Registration Form (By March 31, 2010)