UNT STARTALK Program Welcome to My World at the University of North Texas (UNT): June 3rd - June 28th, 2019, Denton, Texas


STARTALK is a federally funded intensive language program that promotes the teaching and learning of critical languages in the United States. More information on STARTALK, critical languages, and STARTALK teaching principles can be fournd at

Program Overview

The STARTALK Program at UNT is a non-residential, intensive (four weeks, 120 total instructional hours) program that offers Russian language courses at the novice level and is fully funded by a federal grant.

All program activities, including tuition, textbooks, and other learning materials are free of charge for the students. The program Welcome to My World is an intensive Russian language course that provides 120 instructional hours over a period of four weeks or 30 instructional hours per week. Upon successful completion of the program, UNT students will be awarded three college credit hours. The number of participants is limited to 24 students who will be selected from a pool of applicants. The selection criteria will be based on academic performance, a letter of recommendation from a teacher/instructor, and interest in pursuing Russian after the completion of the program.

Program Location

The program will be held on the UNT campus in Denton, in the Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (WLLC). More information on WLLC and travel directions can be found on

Program Dates:

  • Deadline to submit application: April 1, 2019
  • Program dates: June 3 - June 28, 2019
  • Program Closing Ceremony: June 28, 2019

Program Schedule

Classes will start at 9:00am and finish at 4:00pm (with short breaks between classes and an hour lunch break) daily Monday through Friday. All instructions are given in Russian. We appreciate the challenging nature of the program. Therefore, we balance our curriculum and include a range of activities in our daily schedule which includes:

  • Morning warm-up exercises
  • Language practice lessons (50 minutes each)
  • Cultural activities including: traditional Russian cooking classes, traditional Russian crafts, traditional Russian music and dance appreciation classes, field trips, etc
  • Language Lab

Eligible participants: rising high school seniors, community college freshmen and sophomores, and all UNT students.

How to Apply

Please complete an application form and send it as an email attachment to Dr. Tatiana Filosofova, Program Director at

Click here to download an application form

Contact Information

Please direct all inquires concerning the program to Dr. Tatiana Filosofova, Program Director at


How much does the program cost?

All program activities, which includes tuition, extra-curricular activities, field trips, textbooks, and other learing materials are free of charge for the students.

Out-of-pocket expenses include the cost of daily parking for program participants, lunches, snacks, and refreshments.

Will students earn college or dual-enrollment credits?

Upon successful completion of the program, UNT students will be awarded three credit hours.

What level of Russian are students expected to reach?

Upon successful completion of the program, students are expected to be at the Novice High level of proficiency according to the guidelines of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).

How is the program taught?

The program Welcome to My World is an intensive Russian language course that provides 120 instructional hours over the period of four weeks or 30 instructional hours per week. All classes and cultural activities are taught and conducted by qualified instructors using modern pedagogical techniques. The program provides a unique opportunity for full immersion as the program is taught in Russian. In class, students will focus on developing the four essential language skills: speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Cultural activities include traditional Russian cooking classes, traditional Russian crafts, traditional Russian music and dance appreciation classes, field trips, etc.

Click here to download the program flyer

STARTALK Conference

Dr. Tatiana Filosofova presents at the STARTALK conference on November 4, 2017 about her successful summer program.