All new course proposals and changes to an existing course are prepared through the online Curriculog platform: You will be asked to login with your EUID and password.

When proposing a New Course on Curriculog, you are required to fill out all the fields highlighted by a red asterisk. It is mandatory that you upload a syllabus for each new course proposal on Curriculog.

When proposing a New Course, please avoid using any course numbers that end with _9xx. For example, if you're proposing a course at the 4000 level, avoid 4900, 4910, 4920, 4930, etc.

When proposing an Experimental Course, you must use 2980, 4980 (undergraduate) or 5980 (graduate).

When you are ready to launch your New Course, make sure that you approve your proposal on Curriculog. Please note that as soon as you have approved you course proposal, you no longer can make any additional changes. The departmental Curriculum Committee will review the proposal and if any further edits are necessary, they will be added by the chair of the Curriculum Committee. After the Curriculum Committee has approved your proposal, it will move up through the different Approval Steps displayed on the right column of the Curriculog webpage.

Information on Course Description, Pre-/Corequisite(s), and Justification for New Course

Writing the Course Description

The description of a course explains the content such as texts/works, currents/ideas of scholarship/thought, etc. This is an example from a literature course in the Department of English: "A survey of the writings of major Colonial and Federalist American authors and a general consideration of the social and intellectual interests of the time."

This sample description is rather brief because it is taken from the Undergraduate Catalog. A course description on your syllabus can be written slightly longer.

Course Pre-/ Corequisite(s)

On Curriculog, it is important that you clearly state the pre- or corequisites of the newly proposed course. For many upper-level undergraduate courses in our department, the prerequisite is the successful completion of the fourth semester language course (i.e. ARBC 2050). If you need any further information on this topic, please contact the departmental chair of the Curriculum Committee.

Justification for New Course:

In this field on Curriculog, specify why your New Course needs to be added to the university's undergraduate or graduate catalog. The default answer is that such a course has not been offered yet in your language section. If the proposed course has been taught before as a topics course and you would like to assign an individual course number, you can include this information instead.

Please contact the departmental chair of the Curriculum Committee if you have questions about a proposal.