Clubs and Conversation Tables

Make sure to check out the language boards frequently for upcoming events and more information on clubs and conversation tables!


Arabic Club

(Arabic Club meetings and activities are conducted in English)

Contact Person/Faculty Sponsor: Caroline Najour

Arabic Language Association

Students United for Palestine

Arabic Dance Group

  • Meeting time: varies

Arabic Student Association

  • Meeting time: varies


French Club

French Conversation Table

  • Meeting time: varies


German Club

Contact Person/Faculty Sponsor: Cindy Renker

  • Meeting time: varies 

German Honor Society (Delta Phi Alpha)

German Conversation Table (Fall 2024)

Stop by LANG 410 for conversation tables:


Italian Club

Contact Person/Faculty Sponsor: Molly Sweigart


Japanese Club

Contact Person/Faculty Sponsor: Kaori Furuya

Japanese Cultural Organization


Latin Club

  • Meeting time: varies

UNT Classics Collegium