Enrollment Requests | World Languages, Literatures, & Cultures

Enrollment Requests

Most general information about the schedule of classes, registration dates, the academic calendar, and the final exam schedule can be found at the Registrar's Office website or by utilizing the Scrappy Says online resource.


Please send the following complete information to worldlanguages@unt.edu:

  1. Full Name
  2. 8-digit Student ID number
  3. Course Number (Ex: LANG 1010)
  4. Course Section (Ex: Section 003)
  5. Semester of Enrollment (ex. Fall 2024)
  6. Pre-requisite Information*

*If you completed any pre-requisites at another university OR are currently enrolled in the pre-requisite course, please attach an unofficial transcript or course registration (with student's name showing) that shows current enrollment or successful completion of the pre-requisite. If you took a language placement test, accepted your credit, and are awaiting the credit to be posted to your transcript, mention this in your message. (Visit our Placement Test FAQ page for questions about testing).